Fullstack engineer specializing in solving web design and development problems. My goal is to deliver top-quality solutions for every project.

With over four years of experience in web development, I am proficient in modern front-end technologies such as React, TypeScript, and Next.js. I specialize in building optimized, responsive, and user-friendly websites.

Technologies I use: TypeScript / React / Next.js Supabase / Vercel / Tailwind / VS Code / Figma / Linux Chrome Dev Tools / Git / GitHub

I’m Evan, nice to meet you

Tech enthusiast with a passion for building things that help people. Whether it's a website, or an app tool, I love using technology to solve problems and make a difference.

As a web developer, I am excited to learn from others and work as part of a team. I am committed to delivering high-quality work and always strive to exceed expectations. My attention to detail and problem-solving skills make me a valuable asset to any project. I am eager to take on new challenges and contribute my skills and expertise to the team.

Front-end:HTML / CSS / JS
SCSS / Tailwind

Expert in building visually appealing and user-friendly websites using a variety of tools and techniques. Skilled in creating responsive and dynamic web experiences.

Backend-end:Python / Node.js
Supabase / Railway

My skills include working with server-side languages, databases, and APIs to build robust and functional back-end systems. I am skilled in integrating the front-end and back-end of a web application to create a seamless user experience.

Front-end Frameworks:React / Next.js
Vite.js / Gatsby.js

Proficient in using React and Next.js to build dynamic and scalable web applications. Strong understanding of component-based design and constantly learning to stay up-to-date.

Content Managment:Strapi / Prismic
Ghost / Wordpress

I am skilled in identifying the most cost-effective and performant solution for a given project. I am always eager to learn and stay up-to-date with the latest best practices and technologies in content management.

Design:Figma / Gimp
Design Fundamentals

I have experience in web design, utilizing tools such as Figma to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites that meet the needs of the project. I am skilled in using design principles and techniques to create cohesive and effective designs that enhance the user experience.

Utilites:Git / Stack Overflow
VS Code / Framer Motion

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1. App Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui minim labore adipisicing minim sint cillum sint consectetur cupidatat.Front-end: Todo
Back-end: Todo
APIs: Todo

My project is a web application that provides an overview of my Spotify account by utilizing the Spotify API. With this application, I can access my music library and create a customized display of my top artists, tracks, playlists, and more.

Through my application, I can gain insights into my music listening habits, discover new artists and songs, and connect with others who share my musical interests. This makes it a valuable tool for anyone who loves music and wants to get more out of their Spotify account.

Website: https://example.comRepo: https://github.com/username/repo

1. App Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui minim labore adipisicing minim sint cillum sint consectetur cupidatat.Front-end: Todo
Back-end: Todo
APIs: Todo

My project is a web application that provides an overview of my Spotify account by utilizing the Spotify API. With this application, I can access my music library and create a customized display of my top artists, tracks, playlists, and more.

Through my application, I can gain insights into my music listening habits, discover new artists and songs, and connect with others who share my musical interests. This makes it a valuable tool for anyone who loves music and wants to get more out of their Spotify account.

Website: https://example.comRepo: https://github.com/username/repo

4. App Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui minim labore adipisicing minim sintFront-end: Todo
APIs: Todo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, officia excepteur ex fugiat reprehenderit enim labore culpa sint ad nisi Lorem pariatur mollit ex esse exercitation amet. Nisi anim cupidatat excepteur officia. Reprehenderit nostrud nostrud ipsum Lorem est aliquip

Website: https://example.comRepo: https://github.com/username/repo

4. App Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui minim labore adipisicing minim sintFront-end: Todo
APIs: Todo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, officia excepteur ex fugiat reprehenderit enim labore culpa sint ad nisi Lorem pariatur mollit ex esse exercitation amet. Nisi anim cupidatat excepteur officia. Reprehenderit nostrud nostrud ipsum Lorem est aliquip

Website: https://example.comRepo: https://github.com/username/repo

4. App Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui minim labore adipisicing minim sintFront-end: Todo
APIs: Todo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, officia excepteur ex fugiat reprehenderit enim labore culpa sint ad nisi Lorem pariatur mollit ex esse exercitation amet. Nisi anim cupidatat excepteur officia. Reprehenderit nostrud nostrud ipsum Lorem est aliquip

Website: https://example.comRepo: https://github.com/username/repo

4. App Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui minim labore adipisicing minim sintFront-end: Todo
APIs: Todo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, officia excepteur ex fugiat reprehenderit enim labore culpa sint ad nisi Lorem pariatur mollit ex esse exercitation amet. Nisi anim cupidatat excepteur officia. Reprehenderit nostrud nostrud ipsum Lorem est aliquip

Website: https://example.comRepo: https://github.com/username/repo